What skills does BECOME teach?

BECOME is not a traditional careers program. In the primary years, it has strong links to English and student wellbeing. As students get older, BECOME becomes more focused on work-ready skills.

At first it can seem surprising that a careers education program would have strong links to English, or that schools use BECOME as a part of a student wellbeing initiative across the whole school.

However, BECOME is designed to teach students the transferable skills they will need to design, navigate and shape their own future.

These skills are broad, and they include, but are not limited to: speaking and listening skills, self management, research skills, critical and creative thinking, leadership skills, and personal and social capabilities. On the Skills Map at the back of each teaching resource, we list the transferable future skills a lesson develops (as well as curriculum and career development frameworks, and capabilities - read more here).

In the upper primary years, the critical and creative thinking activities within BECOME lend themselves to imaginative and persuasive writing and oral literacy links.

In lower secondary, Economics and Business and Entrepreneurship or enterprise learning links become more evident, as well as wellbeing outcomes.

And in years 9 and 10, BECOME emphasises skills training designed to help students get ready for subject selection and job hunting, including work-ready skills and the skills to research multiple pathways to an occupation area that interests them, while continuing to reflect on personal motivations and influences on their career ideas.

Find out more about how the BECOME lessons and program are linked to the Australian Curriculum and the Australian Blueprint for Career Development (ABCD).